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  • Annual Compliance Document
  • Collected at the beginning of each school year (after July 1)

Why should families complete and submit the Household Data Collection (HDC) Form?

  • The HDC form is utilized by the Federal Government to identify students who qualify for a free or reduced priced lunch.
  • California utilizes this data as part of their Local Control Funding Formula.
  • The higher the percent of English Learners, students who qualify for a free or reduced lunch, or student in foster care the greater the funding level.

More General Information:

  • The Information submitted on the HDC form is confidential and protected by the Federal and State Law.
  • All students who enroll on or prior to October 2, 2024 must submit a completed HDC form by October 31, 2024. (Teachers>Compliance>Archive Compliance. Filter Report Title: HDC Form. Range: Entire School Year)
  • You will be receiving status updates periodically from your Compliance Specialist as to which families have completed the HDC Form and which have not.

Mission Vista HDC Form HDC Form Instructions For Parents Teacher Instructions- How to Download and Archive the HDC Forms