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Work Sample Directions

Family Part:

  • Student writes First and Last name on upper right corner if possible.
  • Date (Must be Within the work sample collection period and include MM/DD/YY)
  • Course name (suggested, but not required)

Homeschool Teacher writes these 6 items

1. HST Name
2. Student Name
3. Course Name with Grade Level (Must match Pathways)
4. Date reviewed by HST (must be the last day of the LP or the last date of attendance)
5. Date student completed sample (MM/DD/YY)
6. HST grade
a. Grade level TK-5: HST grade must include AR, BE, ME, or EE
b. Grade level 6-8 letter grade preferred but fraction or percentage acceptable. High School: HST grade must include percentage, fraction, or letter grade

If a sample is completed in landscape orientation, please turn it to portrait orientation

How to Create the Alternate Six Square

  • Family turns sample in with student name, date, and course name
  • No lines required. (HST types the 6 required labeling subjects in the same order 6 square, spaced out.)
  • RED type color
  • Font - New Times Roman
  • Size of font is flexible depending on blank space availability

Grading Work Samples

Archiving Work Samples and Attendance Log

  1. School Year: 2024-2025
  2. Staff: Teacher name (If option is not available, continue to next step)
  3. Date Range: By Learning Period or Semester (Or most appropriate range)
  4. Report Title: Work Samples or GridLogCheck
  5. Include students with: or without Archived Reports
  6. Click Generate