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(Updated 7/25/2024)

The California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA) of 2016 was extended to charter schools in 2018 (AB 2601). CHYA requires that all California public schools provide comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education to students at least once in middle school and once in high school. Mission Vista Academy offers the Rights, Respect, Responsibility (3Rs) curriculum to all 8th- and 9th-grade students.

Information for HSTs:

⭐ The documents in this section are for HST use only. Please refer to the "Information for Families" section below for documents to send to families of 8th- and 9th-grade students.

Information for Families:

CHYA-Related Due Dates (24-25)

*Remember to fill in the 24-25 CHYA Monitoring Spreadsheet each time you complete a CHYA-related task.* (24-25 spreadsheet link coming soon!)


Check the FAQs document. If you still need help, please contact Gillian Simcox, Director of Accreditation and Achievement at