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**ALL NEW...Multilingual and EL Resources Site**

The EL Resources Folder that many of you are familiar with has been archived and you will no longer have access to it. However, all of that info and more can now be found in the new Multilingual and EL Resources Site. This is a treasure trove of information and resources. It houses everything that you may need, as you work with and support your EL and multilingual families. You will want to bookmark this page, as you will refer to it often.

Here is a brief description of what is found within the pages of the new site:

1. Home Page

    • EL Welcome Letter
    • EL Master Plan
    • Link to Community Outreach Resources Site

2. Designated ELD (D-ELD) Classes

    • ELD Standards handout and parent overview of the standards, in Spanish
    • Curriculum for D-ELD
    • Description of program Options and benefits of Option 1 vs. Option 2
    • Link to the D-ELD Scope and Sequence site


    • Explanation of the ELPAC
    • Reclassification Criteria
    • Resources to Help Students reclassify
      • ELPAC Chats
      • Link to ELPAC practice site
      • Interim ELPAC
      • ELPAC Bootcamp

4. ELAS Corrections

    • Local Educational Agencies are allowed to make one correction per student per lifetime to an English Language status. This process can be used if a parent/guardian or certificated employee of the LEA requests a review of the student’s classification on the basis of the results of the Initial ELPAC. Typically, the process will be used if a parent/guardian or certificated employee can provide evidence that a student who was classified as English Learner (EL) after taking the Initial ELPAC should be classified as Initially Fluent English Proficient (IFEP). This process must occur before the first administration of the Summative ELPAC starting in February.
    • Most students who take the Initial ELPAC with us are TK-2nd grade students who may have never been in a traditional school setting. This may cause our students to be anxious or nervous with a new teacher during the ELPAC process. We also have students with physical or emotional trauma that may prevent them from feeling comfortable in a new setting (i.e. selective mute).
    • These students may be English Proficient, but because of their difficulty communicating in a new situation, could perform poorly and be classified as EL. Parents/guardians and teachers can work together to go through the correction process of having the student classified as IFEP.

*For more information, info sheet, and request survey, visit the EL Resources Site*

3. Instructional Strategies

    • EL Online Resources
    • A variety of instructional strategies-descriptions, PDFs, and/or handouts

5. Reclassification

    • Policy excerpt from the MVA EL Master plan: The EL Designee or coordinator for Mission Vista Academy will specifically evaluate students who are potentially qualified for reclassification. This will occur upon the release of ELPAC scores by the state. Per the California Department of Education recommendations and requirements, EL Reclassification will be based on the following four criteria: 1) ELPAC Score - Students must have an Overall Performance Level score of 4 (the statewide standardized ELP criterion). 2) Teacher Evaluation - Student progress as observed by the teacher, as well as student’s grades and progress on AWRs in math and English. A grade of C or higher is required in both courses. In the case of TK-8 students, their progress toward standard mastery must be Meeting or Exceeding Expectations. 3) Parent Opinion and Consultation - Parents will be strongly encouraged to provide their input and opinion on their child’s readiness for reclassification. 4) English Language Proficiency - EL student’s English language proficiency will be compared with that of an English Proficient Student. This will take the form of the STAR 360 Assessment and SBAC scores. The cut score requirements/criteria is indicated in the chart below.
    • Reclassification form for SpEd students
    • ELPAC Practice Paper Tests

6. Recorded Trainings

    • Separated by school year
    • Training recordings and handouts that accompany the trainings

7. Teacher Pay Teacher (TPT) Resources

    • Find EL resources for Newcomers, Language Arts, Math, and Science

    8. Biliteracy Recognition Program and State Seal of Biliteracy

Biliteracy Recognition Program

      • Flyers to the three Pathway options
      • Informational meeting slides and recording
      • HSTs can upload work samples here: 2023-2024-Semester 2

State Seal of Biliteracy

      • Informational booklet from CDE
      • Parent checklist (download and share with families)
      • Also see HTH 8.14 (High School - Honors and Awards

9. Footsteps to Brilliance

  • Parent Welcome Letter
  • TONS of other resources for parents and HSTs

10. HST Only Resources

    • Many How to Document

Visit the Multilingual and EL Resources Site