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Standards-Aligned Curriculum List

MS Advanced Math: If you have a middle school student interested in pursuing advanced math (working in standards above their grade level), please see the following resources:

Middle School Advanced Math

Middle School Advanced Math FAQ

MS taking a HS course: If you have a middle school student who is ready to take a high school level math course (meaning they have completed all of their middle school math standards), please see the information below:

Family-friendly Resource for Middle School Students Taking High School Courses

HST Resource for Middle School Students Taking High School Courses (Staff Only) (Includes information about the Algebra Readiness Exam)

Middle School Student Schoology Accounts: If you have a middle school student in a high school course who is using a curriculum that is not AG as-is please complete these two surveys in order to get them enrolled in Schoology:

Schoology MS Student Account Needed (curriculum)

Schoology Survey for Gradebooks (to obtain the Schoology course copy)