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Substitute 101 Slides

Requesting a Sub
  1. Follow the RTO procedure outlined in 9.3
  2. If you know in advance that you are going to be out on a future date please use the Substitute Availability List to reach out to potential HSTs to sub for you. You may also reach out to an HST of your choice. If your absence is unplanned/emergency Brandi Neal will assign a substitute for you.
  3. Complete the Sub Request Survey
  4. Please place your sub plans in the Sub Plans folder with the naming convention Lastname_subbplans_dateofabsence. (exp: Neal_Subplans_1022024 If you have chosen your own sub feel free to email them your plans as well.
  5. Add your substitute and Brandi Neal as a co-host for your recurring class/classes so they can start the meeting in your absence. Notify Brandi Neal and your RC/Program Lead once you have completed the steps above.

Request to sub
  1. Complete the Request to Sub Survey
  2. You will be notified by phone or email in the event a substitute position becomes available. Subs will be assigned on a first-response basis.
  3. Once you have completed your assignment please send a recap email to the HST and cc: to ensure payroll is notified of your extra duty.
  4. Please look over these Substitute Expectations

Updated 5/16/24