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  • Re-enrollment (continued enrollment) is handled by the students' current HST. If student was previously enrolled and then withdrew, family will need to begin the enrollment process again as if they were a new family.
  • Admissions/Lottery Policy (Click Here)
  • 2024-2025 Grade Level Placement Chart

Getting Started

  • Enrollment is a multi-step process designed to best serve the needs of our families and facilitate a smooth intake / information validation for school teams.
  • Our team members communicate important instructions for families every step of the way - from State compliance mandates to requirements set by Charter Leaders.
  • Please encourage your family to work closely with their Enrollment Specialist and check their email (including Spam) regularly during the intake process.
  • We are not authorized to make any exceptions when deadlines are missed due to technical or user error.

We look forward to serving you!

Easy as 1-2-3

Every enrollment has 3 key steps guided by the school's operational needs as well as CA legislation.

    • Student families enroll during Open Enrollment Period (determined by the School Board) on the school website and receive an automated receipt of their submission.
    • [When Applicable] If the number of applications received during Open Enrollment Period exceeds the number of available spaces, a lottery will be held. Details will be available via the school's Enrollment Page.
    After the Open Enrollment Period / Lottery, a dedicated Enrollment Specialist will reach out to let the family know whether their student(s) has a spot for the next school year, or will be placed on the waitlist.
    • [Time-Sensitive No.1] Families will be required to confirm their intent to use their spot(s) within the deadline set by the school.
    • [Time-Sensitive No.2] After confirmation, families will receive their personalized invite link to FULLY complete their Registration by the deadline set by the school.
    • Enrollment Specialists will validate all submitted documents / data and certify the student for the next step. If certain docs / data are not acceptable, families need to resubmit by the deadline.
    • The Enrollment Specialist will import the data into Pathways, create a student enrollment record, and connect the student with you, the HST (assignment determined by Charter Leaders).
    • You will receive an email notification from the Enrollment Specialist. You can find the student on your Pathways roster and send out a Master Agreement!

How You Can Help

As the HST, you are in a great position to walk alongside the family through what is often their first daunting experience before school starts. Here are some great ways you can support both the family and internal school teams.

  • Facilitate Connections: We understand families are anxious to get their new enrollments in order during Spring / Summer. They may reach out to you to confirm the status of their enrollment. Instead of forwarding individual emails which may slow down the pace of processing for all families, consider:
    1. encouraging the family to reach out to their Enrollment Specialist directly and CC you on the email thread.
    2. aggregating requests together with other HSTs via your RC or Assistant Director and sending a consolidated list.
  • Advocate for Accuracy: Families often miss key information on the website / emails, resulting in errors and delays during the registration process.
    1. Understand the enrollment process outlined above and check in with your Charter Leaders regularly for updates.
    2. Encourage families to be as precise as possible on their application, and ready their required documents in advance to prevent errors and delays.


Thank You

for partnering with us to create a smooth experience for student families